9.1.1. The Training Centre has implemented this policy in an attempt to reduce the number of “empty” training seats as a result of trainees not showing up for scheduled training. For many reasons, training seats are valuable and if a trainee does not show up for a class that has been reserved/ confirmed for them it results in wasted resources. For purposes of this policy, a situation where a trainee did not attend a class that was scheduled for them will be referred to as a “no show ”.
9.2.1. This policy is applicable to all members and other trainees that attend safety or skills training offered by the Training Centre.
9.3.1. Any trainee who, according to our records, has 2 unwarranted no-shows within a 12 month period of time will be issued a warning letter advising that they are in violation of the attendance policy.
9.3.2. Once a trainee has been issued a warning letter, they will be flagged on the training system and a copy of the Training Attendance Policy will be issued via email/text.
9.4.1. If unable to attend training, the trainee must leave a message with the training office identifying themselves, their program, as well as as the reason for not attending. The Training Centre will attempt to fill the vacant seat and the trainees name will be placed on the wait list for the next available class.
9.5.1. If, after a Warning Letter has been issued, there is a third occurrence in a 12 month period the following action(s) will occur:
• The person will be removed from all training sign-up list(s).
• The person will receive a Training Attendance Suspension Letter via text/email advising that they have been removed from any training lists and suspended from further enrolment for 12 months. The person will also be sent a copy of the Training Attendance Policy.
9.5.2. If a trainee was issued a suspension letter, any subsequent absence will result in further suspension for 12 months after the last occurrence.
9.6.1. After a period of 12 months, the trainee is no longer suspended and regains access to sign up for classes again.